

Newcomer Hiring Fair, hosted in collaboration with the Sheraton Downtown! This is a fantastic opportunity for job seekers to connect with potential employers in the hospitality industry.


New Location Back to School BBQ! Come celebrate with students+family+friends! Saturday 8/10 3-5pm Montclair Park 6820 E. 12th Ave.


The Denver Foundation offers a platform where students can search for a variety of scholarship opportunities. Each scholarship fund has different goals and supports different paths. 


"The Peer Networking group has helped me connect with like-minded people and allowed me to expand my network beyond what I imagined doing myself."

- Andrea R.

“I am now a Registered Nurse and get to work at a great place in part to the support I received from the Ambassador Foundation.”


Do you have employment opportunities to share with our students?

If you are an employer and would like to work with our students, please share your information with us and we’ll connect you potential candidates. Our students are available for many fields including, accounting, nursing, teaching, and more!