Steps and Stories is an immersive evening that highlights the impact of The Ambassador Foundation’s work — both in the lives of individual students and the broader community we create together. The second annual Thursday Night Live will include a live recording of the evening’s guest students for a later podcast.
We are honored to feature stories, both on film and in person, told by students from Ethiopia, Iraq, and Venezuela. These are stories of resilience, hope, and transformation.
Join us for the contagious joy of dance performances in styles from South America, Asia, and Africa. You might be inspired to “teach us your favorite dance move.”
New this year, the silent auction will be available for viewing online ahead of the event. Some very special items offer another opportunity to support our mission. Bring a friend and we’ll see you there!
Thursday, April 24, 6-8:30 pm
Sie FilmCenter, 2510 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80206
We hope you are able to attend. If not, we appreciate any and all donations to support our students.
Thank you to our generous sponsors who have made this event possible!
If you’re interested in sponsoring, please explore our Sponsorship Package here
and/or email Jennifer Porter at jporter@theambassadorfoundation.
Our vision is to build a community of belonging for our students. We are on a mission to open doors to higher education for Colorado students throughout their post-secondary journey through graduation. We’re building community while enriching the lives of families, fellow students, and those who follow.
We welcome students 15 years and older from traditionally under-represented populations who seek advice and assistance with all aspects of the college application process, leadership development, and graduation. We include refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers and asylees, DACA, undocumented, students from multi-cultural homes, first generation, and multi-language speakers. We help students get “to and through” graduation by making college a reality. All ambassadors are empowered to advocate for themselves and their communities to overcome barriers and pave the way for future ambassadors.
925 S Niagara St. Suite 360
Denver, CO 80224
[email protected]
© 2022 – present
The Ambassador Foundation